Thursday, October 30, 2008

Class on Tuesday October 28th

After fall break we started back up into groups for Design Drawing, South side and half of Mid-Town was put together into a group and started in Nadia's group first. We were continuing with contour drawing but we were also incorperating hatching and shadowing in our drawings. In the image above we had to draw a view of our desk and then hatch a couple areas to give the affect of shadowing.
After drawing our desks we went up to the Crit room and were given a box to draw the contours of. This lead to our next lesson and studies: How to draw things in perspective... I had dabbled alittle in this knowledge back in my high school art classes but I felt it would do me well to learn it again because I had never really incorporated it into my drawings before hand.
Taking the same box we drew free hand before, it was put into two-point perspective (keep in mind I did not have a ruler at hand) along with shadowing from a light source and where the shadows would go.As more practice we drew a corner of the room in two-point persepective, it was really hard to draw a corner in this perspective and still make it look like the corner was concave instead of convex. It took me several attempts to get to this drawing above.

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